Hello again,
As promised (see previous post) here's a little bonus card from today's destination. I guess most of you already know where we are, if not I know you will after seeing this bonus card.

Could it be more obvious were we are?!
Yes, that's right. We're in the UK, in England to more precise.
This card was inspired by Pyssloteket's summer craft bingo and the current challenge at AAA Birthday. I know it's not a birthday card (that's why I used it as a bonus card instead of my main card), but I have spent many birthdays in England, and for my 30th my husband surprised me with a trip down to London for the weekend (which partly inspired the design of this card).
There is still time to join the challenge - Where in the World, over at AAA Birthday. You have until the end of the month, so why not play along?! More information and inspiration can be found on the challenge blog.
Thank you for taking the time to stop by, I really appreciate it!
Take care and keep crafting!