lördag 24 februari 2024

ATCs for Ukraine

Hello Crafty Friends, 

The 24th of February 2022 was the day Ukraine was invaded by Russia, two years today.

Normally I'm not a person who likes to talk about politics etc, and I try to respect everyones believes and political opinions, as I think we all have the right to our believes and political opinions as long as they don't do harm to others. But when it comes to one country invading another, and not wanting to call it what it is, WAR, I just have to speak up. War harms people, and invading another country is doing harm to others and it is WAR and nothing else.

In support of the Ukrainian people I created four ATCs as a small sign of me letting them, and everybody else, know that they are not alone. There are a lot of us standing with the people of Ukraine, and we will do so until they have regained their country and are free from their invaders, Russia. 

Be kind to each other, and respect others whether they have the same beliefs and/or political opinions as you do. And to all of us living in democracies (true ones) think long and hard before you go to vote the next time, and most importantly VOTE, use your democratic right!


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