måndag 4 april 2022

AAA Birthday challenge Game #36 - Critters

Good Morning and Happy Monday to you! 
I can't believe it's April already, and time for a new challenge at

AAA Birthday

The theme for this challenge is - Critters.

and here's my take on the challenge:

I hope you're inspired to play along with us at AAA Birthday. Please  remember all cards entered to the challenge must be Birthday cards, you can never have too many Birthday cards. For more inspiration please head on over to the challenge blog where you can find inspiring Birthday cards by the Design Team.

Thank you for stopping by, I really appreciate you taking the time!

Take care, stay safe and keep crafting!


6 kommentarer:

  1. Aww! Such adorable critters and an amazing rainbow of colours.

  2. love your rainbow and mice, are they Impronte Dáutore? I seem to recognize them. cute card

    1. Thank you, Maaike! x
      Yes, the cute mice are by Impronte d'Autore.

  3. Awww... so cute! And I love your rainbow background!
